Beautiful Corrosion Too

by Theresa Marie Johnson
Buy the Original Painting
30.000 x 24.000 x 1.500 inches
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Beautiful Corrosion Too
Theresa Marie Johnson
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas, On Canvas
This work...or works, was a really wonderful experiment gone good. I had finished both of these paintings and was looking for a place to put them while I cleaned up. I put the big one up on the easel and then just randomly put the smaller one in front of it - merely as a resting spot. It was a beautiful sunny day and there was light coming in from all four sides of the studio. I looked over at the easel and the interplay between the two paintings was beyond exciting. I had no idea. The colors completely compliment each other, but even more thrilling was the shadow cast depending on where the light source was from. I let them set there for a few days and just enjoyed how this piece literally changed second by second, more beautiful and more beautiful. Both canvases are 1.5" thick. The sides of the smaller one have the exact same texture as the large canvas does. It makes for a great print, but this work truly is at its finest in its original form. I'm beyond excited to try this technique again. Copyright Theresa Marie Johnson. These images are protected by copyright and cannot be produced.
January 17th, 2016