Black Eyed Susan

by Theresa Marie Johnson
Buy the Original Painting
18.000 x 36.000 x 1.500 inches
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Black Eyed Susan
Theresa Marie Johnson
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Black Eyed Susan was completely inspired by the wildflowers growing outside my studio window. When I grabbed the canvas off the shelf, the only thing I really knew was that I wanted to use my new modeling paste and tool…and that I wanted whatever this was going to be, to be light and cheery. Black Eyed Susan just naturally came into being. Within seconds I knew what I was creating. I wish I could attach a video to this painting so that people could experience what I did when I was creating this. My studio is surrounded by pine trees, meadows and wild flowers. The birds, at times, become their own beautiful symphony. In between their songs, i hear the rustling of the wind through the trees and through the field grass outside my window. A low wind chime plays off in the distance. The air, crisp and the warmth of the sun shines in on me. To me, it’s a sacred space. A place of healing. Many days, when this illness becomes to much to bear, all I can do is lay on the couch and listen. If heaven had a sound, this would be it. So often my work can be “heavy”, even with undertones of hope and courage, one can oftentimes feel the burden of this illness. But Black Eyed Susan is reminiscent of all things summer. Bright and cheery, full of new growth, springing up year after year with a persistent and strong beauty. It can’t help but brighten wherever it goes.
June 6th, 2016
Comments (1)

Linda Lees
Theresa, this is such a bright and cheerful painting, I love the texture that you've created! I also love the beautiful picture that you've created with your words in the description, your studio really does sound a wonderful place to be and I'm happy for you that you get such pleasure from the simple things in life. ♥
Theresa Marie Johnson replied:
Linda, thank you. It's one of the gifts of living with this horrible disease - learning to stay present and be thankful for those simple things. I would not give that part up for anything. :-)