Blue Flower

by Theresa Marie Johnson
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
12.000 x 16.000 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Blue Flower
Theresa Marie Johnson
Painting - Watercolor On Watercolor Paper
This is a piece I did years ago, during my water color days. I miss doing the fine botanical work, but due to my illness, it just does not work so well for me anymore. Fun to reminisce. Making this one available for print as the original was given to family.
April 20th, 2016
Comments (1)

Linda Lees
Lovely delicate work Theresa. We all evolve and change with our art, some as in your case by necessity, others just by exploring new techniques and styles. I used to shoot b&w film and process it in my home darkroom, technology has changed that, digital is so much easier and I don't have to breath in all those chemical fumes. I do get nostalgic for the old ways, it was magic seeing the picture appear in the developing tray. Right now I'm creating sculptures in clay. L/F
Theresa Marie Johnson replied:
I love to hear that. Sometimes I get down on myself for being so "all over the board"...and then I hear your words, or visit some artist that has lovely paintings and photography and pottery and wood carvings... and I am comforted by that. I've wanted to dabble in oil paints, but don't want the fumes either! Better I would love to see some of your sculptures!!