Breaking Free

by Theresa Marie Johnson
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 36.000 x 1.500 inches
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Breaking Free
Theresa Marie Johnson
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Breaking Free was one of those kinds of paintings where I started with a blank canvas and just started putting color down and blending things in. I like to do that as a sort of therapy. Moving color around the canvas, blending some parts, leaving others. As I do this I feel a kind of release. And then there is a point where I feel like I should just leave it. As it dries, I begin to look for the image to appear. This one was clearly the form of a women. There was just no question about it. And she was in this pose. All I had to do was to take a white pastel and define her. From there, the message was easy to hear. This painting is about getting past the fear of being vulnerable. To me, this image represents breaking through our own barriers to self love. Finding that right balance between living inside and outside the box simultaneously. About the growth that happens along the way. About the beauty of our story, the walls that come down and about creating ourselves - as well as rising up from creation. This is our eternal story. It�s the story of all the women that have come before us. And it�s one we should live without fear.
May 2nd, 2016