
by Theresa Marie Johnson
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 36.000 x 1.500 inches
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Theresa Marie Johnson
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
For those waiting for my first work after my hospitalization - not sure if this is the “feel good” work you were expecting. This work, although hopeful to me, is full with the realities of suffering. This painting simultaneously depicts the battle of living with chronic illness as well as the degeneration that accompanies aging. The painting is in continual motion, yet has been frozen in time, much like when you take a picture of smoke. To me it is full of energy - both fire and light - both destroying and creating. Much like a forest fire. Creation and Death, all being part of the same holy circle, beautiful and painful, old and new, never ending.
When I was in the hospital there was a particular moment when the sun came through my window. I had been sleeping and when I started to open my eyes it reminded me of the Leonard Cohen lyric,
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget the perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in
I remember thinking that this is what I would paint about. This is what I would hold onto. That in all things, there is light. Even if it comes through the smallest crack, or squinted eyes, or lies behind smoke or rock or clouds, or bricked wall - it’s remains there. Our journey to that light is not always easy. The more sick or the older we get, there are times when the road seems easy and there are times it seems like we have to fight like hell just to find the smallest crack. The way is unclear, confusing, painful - just moving about can be difficult. And yet… when the light appears - when the smoke clears - there is peace. There is growth, even in death. Like the forest after the fire - the cycle of life continues. And to be part of that, the good, the bad and everything in-between, is the holiest thing we do.
December 13th, 2017
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