
by Theresa Marie Johnson
Buy the Original Painting
30.000 x 30.000 x 1.500 inches
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Theresa Marie Johnson
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
This work started out as a work very rich with symbolism for my daughters. I was working on it during the weeks following the inauguration of our new president. What I ended up with is a work that speaks to all future generations. And that one message, in amongst all the suffering and hate is Hope. The poem on the work is my own, something that came to me after seeing picture after picture of chaos and suffering throughout the media. It reads, "I don't need to see pictures of every single body. I trust that the casualties on both sides are great. What I need to see now is every single image of Hope you can find. Look to all sides of the battle because where there is Life, there is Hope." May we not forget our responsibilities to the future generations of this beautiful planet we borrow. And may we mirror Hope to those who are watching.
January 30th, 2017
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