Oh Sweetheart

by Theresa Marie Johnson
Original - Sold
24.000 x 48.000 x 1.500 inches
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Oh Sweetheart
Theresa Marie Johnson
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
It never seems to fail that when I start a painting out with a specific intention it takes on a life of its own and soon becomes something very different. I think this is why my painting has gone from realism to more abstract. The creation of something completely new and unknown has been incredibly powerful and healing for me.
I had �intended� on this painting being more of an abstract landscape. It started out horizontally. After applying various textures and under paintings, it just did not look right to me. The minute I turned it vertically�there she was.
What slowly emerged felt like a sort of spirit women or fairy. So I went with it and began to listen to what she was telling me. She is not one, she is many - yet all her own. She is perfectly imperfect. She is soft and wild, she is dancer and warrior. She is all things magic and quiet whispers. She is peacemaker and she is rebel. She is feathers and leaves and bark. She is stars in the galaxy and soft gold fairy dust. She is hope and she is dreams and she childlike belief. Never aging, she is youth - yet timeless with wisdom.
During the creation of this work my lupus decided to take a pretty nasty turn. In fact, as I type these words, I am still fighting a difficult battle. Due to hospitalizations I had to stop working on her for awhile. And because of some neurological problems, resuming was extremely challenging. And then my lovely daughter Anna came to visit and the painting spoke to her. She and her husband had just had their first child, a beautiful baby boy. There was no question in her mind - the painting was meant to be her sons. A couple of days passed and I received a phone call from her husband asking that I complete it for him to give her as a Valentine�s gift.
The first time my daughter heard her husband say, �Oh Sweetheart� to their newborn son forever changed her. I hear Oh Sweetheart when I look at this painting. It embodies all that we hope for our children and ourselves. Unconditional love and acceptance. Someone who celebrates our joys and comforts our sorrows and shares our dreams. I hope you enjoy Oh Sweetheart...
February 15th, 2016
Comments (5)

Sunil Kapadia
Congratulations on your sale!
Theresa Marie Johnson replied:
Thank you, again, Sunil!! I enjoy hearing from other artists very much!

Linda Lees
Oh my Theresa, I don't know which has touched me more, your beautiful painting or the wonderful story which accompanies it! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope that your health improves. L/F

Natalie Bester
Stunning! Love your work Theresa!
Theresa Marie Johnson replied:
Natalie, thank you so much! You are becoming a familiar face...how fun!!!