The Both of Us

by Theresa Marie Johnson
Original - Not For Sale
48.000 x 24.000 x 1.500 inches
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The Both of Us
Theresa Marie Johnson
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
When I started this painting, it came out of a place of great despair and hopelessness. So much to worry about "these days". So much to feel so terribly sad and helpless about. One of those days. The news seemed to come at me from every angle and blinded me, momentarily, from what I know to be true. And then... as if orchestrated by Love itself, two things happened. What began as a work of frustration and anger slowly began to turn into something very beautiful. "Two People" and a tiny little hut emerged. And then (truly, AFTER I painted the people and the hut)... I stumbled upon this poem by Hafiz:
"I want both of us
To start talking about this Great Love
As if You, I and the Sun were all married
And living in a tiny room.
Helping each other to cook,
Do the wash,
Weave and sew
Care for our beautiful
We all leave each morning
To labor on the earth’s field.
No one does not lift a great pack.
I want both of us to start singing like two
Traveling minstrels
About this Extraordinary Existence
We Share,
As If,
You, I, and God were all married
And living in
A Tiny
I want both of Us to start talking about this Great Love!!!! Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!
There in lies my deed and my Hope.
August 9th, 2016
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