Where You Start and I Begin

by Theresa Marie Johnson
Original - Sold
24.000 x 35.000 x 1.500 inches
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Where You Start and I Begin
Theresa Marie Johnson
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Where I Start and You Begin (Embrace)
I had a bit of an idea where I wanted this painting to go when I started it. I wanted to paint a picture that depicts the incredible story that is within the embrace of a caregiver. And for me, a caregiver that is also a spouse, lover and friend. Too complicated for words, this relationship is so many things; much of which only two in this situation could ever fully comprehend. I liked the texture of the Suffering Bodhisattva, so I used that again. Although, in the SB I did not have any idea where the image was going. In Embrace, I wanted to move it in that direction vaguely, still allowing for the mediums to tell their own story. This painting is about passion. It�s about holding someone up in life and all that is within that - both that which we receive from it and that which takes away from us. It�s about healing touch. It�s about being so close you feel as though you share the same blood. It�s about passion as well as pain. This painting, to me, at times looks as though you can see right through the couple to the fibers and fluids that create them. In some areas it looks full of energy and life giving. And then, in other areas the image looks as though you can see pain itself. Both on the part of the caregiver as well as the pain and suffering of the chronically ill partner. Illness that can be that of flesh and bone, that within nerve fibers�or the intense suffering of invisible illness such as mental illness. There is just so much in this painting. But in the end, what there is the most of is love. A love beyond attraction. The deepest kind of love, where you don�t know where you start and the other begins.
May 2nd, 2016