Will You

by Theresa Marie Johnson
Original - Sold
24.000 x 36.000 x 1.500 inches
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Will You
Theresa Marie Johnson
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
During these times that we find ourselves in, when things seem so beyond our control, really....it boils down to each human being and how they spend the moment they are given. When working on this piece, I really did not know if it was going to be a message of hope or hopelessness. There were many times that when I worked on it, my heart was breaking for those that I painted for. The elderly, the disabled, the young, the families, the unemployed, the immigrant... They all seemed overshadowed by this "tower" of steel and industrialization. In the far off...those coming to our country. As families, alone as children without parents, husbands without wives, daughters without mothers... are they our hope? Or are they the ones that we turn away? Are they the ones we forbid hope? Will we allow a future for our unborn? Will we take care of our grandparents? Will we push them to the edge and watch them fall or celebrate their healing and watch them run with joy. These things are not free. They require sacrifice. They require money. They require compassion and commitment from ALL of us. This is not someone else's job. It's my job. How do I answer the question "Will you?" How do we, as a community, answer this question? What are we so afraid to loose? For me, it's the realization that it was never mine to begin with. It's Ours.
May 30th, 2017
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